Make it an Easy Walk Through
How do home sellers protect themselves from big walk through bills from a buyer?
Buyers conduct a final walk through right before they close on a home. This is probably the first time they have seen your home vacant. If they find conditions they aren’t expecting, you can expect a bill at the closing or a last minute request to remedy the condition.
What kinds of things might come up? There are many things that can cost you money at a walk through. Here are a few. If you have any damage to your floors (even if it was there when you bought the home) and you failed to list the damage on your disclosure, and it wasn’t obvious when you walked through your occupied home (under rugs or furniture), you can expect that the buyer will expect you to pay for the repair/replacement when he discovers the issue, which could be a significant expense. What should you do? Disclose. Disclose. Disclose! When you list your home, take the time to make sure your disclosure lists every possible condition issue with your home.
If you leave anything behind that isn’t attached or specifically included, you should anticipate you may be required to call a last minute hauler to remove the items. If the items were there when you bought the home, that’s no excuse. The house must be empty when you leave unless you have the buyers’ specific consent to leave the items behind.
Forget to cut the grass in a few weeks? You could be asked for a credit to have the lawn mown. Forget to clean the house? If its not at least “broom swept clean” you could be paying a cleaning fee. Forget to complete your inspection repairs or forget to check the work and make sure it’s done correctly? You can’t rely on the contractors to get it right – you must check the work – if they didn’t finish or did the wrong thing, you will likely have to pay for the repair again. Accidentally remove an inclusion such as the TV wall mount bracket? You may have to pay for a new one.
Take the time to make sure the home is exactly as you would want it were you moving in and be pro-active with your buyers if you discover any issues on your move out to avoid any closing table surprises.

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Sewickley, PA 15143
Cell: 412-779-6060
Office: 412-741-2200 x238