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When it comes to selling a home, success is in the detail.  Attention to details in the contract is critical.  But so is attention to detail in the preparing your home for sale.  Last week I focused on the type of details you don’t want to overlook in prepping your bathrooms for a buyer’s eye.  Today I turn my focus to the kitchen.  Your kitchen is absolutely key to the sale of your home.  A buyer may not decide definitively that he will buy your home on the main level, buy he very well may decide he won’t buy your home on the main level.  That’s why it’s so important that the main level of your home sparkle, and the kitchen is the most anticipated component of that level.

Like bathrooms, the kitchen should be as clean and updated as possible. Again, a good detail cleaning is where you should start.  Clean inside of cabinets and drawers (buyers do open them).  Get rid of or store items you don’t use all of the time – it is important that it appear that you have plenty of storage space – crowded cupboards give the wrong impression.  Clean the outside of cabinets as well.  Polish all stainless appliances with stainless steel polish and keep them that way throughout the listing.  A can on stainless steel wipes will make this very easy for you.  Make sure floors (including corners) are squeaky clean – if your floor is tile, be sure the grout looks clean.  Kitchens are high traffic areas, so be sure your woodwork is in great shape.  Double check baseboards and touch-up paint anything that is beginning to look dingy.  It goes without saying that any wallpaper needs to come down.  Any walls reflecting wear and tear should also be repainted.

Be sure your light bulbs are the highest wattage possible so that your kitchen looks great on even our grayest of days.  Dust off all light fixtures and of course, replace all burned out bulbs.  Clean your refrigerator and your oven.  Remove everything from your countertop except a few decorative type items.  It’s a great idea to clean out a cabinet or a drawer so you have a place to stash things when you find out you are having a showing.  Take everything off the front of the refrigerator and from its top as well.  If you have very old appliances and you live in a higher-end home, replacing those appliances may be worthwhile to fully maximize the value of your home.  Another item to evaluate in higher end homes are countertops.  These days granite is typically found in any home listed over $450,000.  If your home has ceramic or Formica tops, granite will likely aid in selling your home faster and for more money.  Less expensive improvements that can also pay dividends include updating cabinet knobs and lighting fixtures.  This should get you off to a great start in creating a kitchen every buyer will love – if you would like a custom evaluation of your own kitchen, please feel free to give me a call!