We’ve noticed interest rates are rising on mortgages. What effect do you think that will have on our market?
You are correct – the fed raised the interest rates AGAIN this year, and have indicated that we need to be prepared for two more rate increases in 2018. Those increases are expected in September and December and many forecasters are expecting that rates will be over 5% by 2019. The economy has been incredibly strong and unemployment is lower than it’s been since the 1960s (excepting one month in 2000). With a surging economy, the fed is forced to raise rates in an attempt to keep investors interested in mortgages, control inflation and avoid a possible future economic crash. Rates are ¾ point higher than they were last year. Nonetheless, historically 6% is considered an excellent interest rate and they are still well below that!
With all of that in mind, today is as good as its going to get for years to come for mortgage interest rates. So don’t procrastinate any longer! If you are thinking of a move, there is no better time than now to find a new home and lock in your interest rate. In September you will likely pay more for the same house over the life of your loan than you would if you bought it roday. What impact will these rising rates have on the market? Some buyers will not be able to afford a home that they could have afforded previously – as rates rise all borrowers will qualify to borrow less and that lower number may or may not be enough for you to be able to buy the home of your dreams. All buyers will pay more for their homes over the life of the loan than the could have had they purchased earlier. Ultimately, higher rates could depress home values as buyers can afford less, but I do not see that happening in this market. We just do not have enough inventory for rising rates to depress home prices…yet. But if we ever bring supply in line with demand again, we may see rising rates soften home values.
Of course, as rates rise it becomes very important to shop your loan product. Those who get two lender estimates save on average $1500 upfront and those that get 5 save $3000 upfront on average. Most buyers will take the time to shop around for a new car, so why not take the same approach toward your mortgage. With rising rates, you will appreciate the upfront savings!

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Sewickley, PA 15143
Cell: 412-779-6060
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