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Our spring/summer market exceeded all expectations this year.  Our inventory remains low and the number of homes selling have increased dramatically – all good news for home sellers.  If you have been sitting on the sidelines thinking about selling, as the fall approaches, it is an excellent time to get your home on the market.  We have fewer homes enter the market in the fall, meaning less competition for you.  However, even in a strong market with low inventory, it is important to go into the market with a master plan and not just throw a sign in the yard and hope for the best.  A successful sale starts with a master plan and a partnership between agent and homeowner.  We must partner together to get your home sold.  A great listing agent works hard to market your home, but only you must supply the highly saleable product.  So what ‘s your role in the plan?

First, start packing right away.  Your plan is to move and your treasures will all need to get boxed up anyhow.  Move them to a pod or an off-site storage facility – no need to raise objections from buyers if there appears to be inadequate storage space.

Have your home pre-inspected and repair what is uncovered as deficient by the inspector.  This will impress a buyer that you have taken the time to make sure the home is in good condition for them.

Bring in a staging expert to put the finishing touches in place – you only get one chance to make a first impression – make it a good one!

Finally, listen to feedback, from both agents and buyers, and act on it..   Buyers generally will not buy projects, unless of course you want to fire sell your home.  So if any objections have been raised (wallpaper, paint colors, old roof, overgrown landscaping, too much clutter, dated décor), you must deal with them if you want your home to sell.